X-Ray Assistant Initial Licensure

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General Information

64B18-24, Florida Administrative Code - Certified Podiatric X-Ray Assistants

64B18-24.001 Initial Certification for Podiatric X-Ray Assistants
(1) Each applicant for initial certification as a podiatric x-ray assistant shall submit an application using the Podiatric X-Ray Assistant Application for Initial Certification, on form DH-MQA 1026, http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-12882, which is hereby incorporated by reference, effective 07/2020, copies of which may be obtained from the web at http://floridaspodiatricmedicine.gov/applications/podiatric-medicine-xray-asst-app.pdf:

(a) A certification fee of $75.00; and,
(b) The name(s) of the applicant’s supervising Florida licensed podiatric physician(s).

(2) Any change of supervisor must be reported by the applicant/certified podiatric x-ray assistant to the Board within 30 days of the change on form DH-MQA 1118, entitled, “Certified Podiatric X-ray Assistant Update Supervisor Form,” which is hereby incorporated by reference effective 7/2020, and can be obtained from http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-12881 or the Board of Podiatric Medicine’s website https://floridaspodiatricmedicine.gov/applications/podiatric-medicine-xray-supervisor-update-form.pdf.

(3) The Board shall verify successful passage of the course and examination required by Section 461.0135, F.S., prior to issuance of the podiatric x-ray assistant certification.

Section 461.003(2), Florida Statutes, Definitions. "Certified podiatric X-ray assistant” means a person who is employed by and under the direct supervision of a licensed podiatric physician to perform only those radiographic functions that are within the scope of practice of a podiatric physician licensed under this chapter. For purposes of this subsection, the term “direct supervision” means supervision whereby a podiatric physician orders the X-ray, remains on the premises while the X- ray is being performed and exposed, and approves the work performed before dismissal of the patient.

Section 461.0135, Florida Statutes. Operation of X-ray machines by podiatric X-ray assistants. — A licensed podiatric physician may utilize an X-ray machine, expose X-ray films, and interpret or read such films. The provision of part IV of chapter 468 to the contrary notwithstanding, a licensed podiatric physician may authorize or direct a certified podiatric X-ray assistant to operate such equipment and expose such films under the licensed podiatric physician’s direction and supervision, pursuant to rules adopted by the board in accordance with s. 461.004, which ensures that such certified podiatric X-ray assistant is competent to operate such equipment in a safe and efficient manner by reason of training, experience, and passage of a board-approved course which includes an examination. The board shall issue a certificate to an individual who successfully completes the board-approved course and passes the examination to be administered by the training authority upon completion of such course.

Information about Human Trafficking Course Requirement: The one-time Human Trafficking course is required of new Certified Podiatric X-Ray Assistant applicants in their first renewal biennium, as well as licensees renewing to active status if the course has not already been taken. To access the FPMA online Human Trafficking course, click HERE.


X-Ray Assistant Program Offered by FPMA and Next Steps

  • Podiatric X-Ray Assistants seeking initial licensure as a Certified Podiatric X-Ray Assistant in the State of Florida are required to attend the 6-hour X-Ray Assistant Program and 2-hour Medical Errors course offered during the FPMA Science and Management Symposium (SAM) held in the Orlando, Florida area every year in January, or the FPMA Summer Conference, AND pass the examination for Initial licensure offered the following day.
  • Once a Podiatric X-Ray Assistant has successfully completed the X-Ray Assistant program and Medical Errors course and passed the examination for Initial licensure, it is their responsibility to apply for their Certified Podiatric X-Ray Assistant license, fulfill certain requirements, and pay the necessary fees. To apply for Podiatric X-Ray Assistant licensure, go to https://www.flhealthsource.gov, click on “Apply For A License”, and follow the instructions provided.
  • After a Podiatric X-Ray Assistant has gone through the licensure process, please do not call FPMA regarding the issuance of the license. The Florida Department of Health (DOH) is the abiding entity that issues Certified Podiatric X-Ray Assistant licenses, which begin with "PXA". The contact phone number for the Florida Department of Health is (850) 245-4444.
  • If you have any questions concerning initial licensure, please contact the Florida Board of Podiatric Medicine Customer Contact Center at (850) 488-0595. Please do not call FPMA. The Florida Board of Podiatric Medicine is the entity that issues Podiatric X-Ray Assistant certification.
  • FPMA's role is to provide the course for initial licensure/recertification of Podiatric X-Ray Assistants and the exam for initial certification. FPMA is in no way involved in the Certified Podiatric X-Ray Assistant licensing process.
  • Podiatric X-Ray Assistants who initially get licensed prior to November 1, 2025 are required to either attend another X-Ray Assistant program conducted during an FPMA conference or successfully complete the FPMA online "Podiatric X-Ray Assistant Recertification course" AND the FPMA online "Medical Errors Course for Certified Podiatric X-Ray Assistants" in order to get recertified for the next biennium (April 1, 2026 - March 31, 2028). Click HERE to access these online courses.
  • Podiatric X-Ray Assistants who initially get licensed within five (5) months of the renewal date (for the current biennium, the renewal date is April 1, 2026) are licensed through their first renewal period until the next renewal period. This means they will not have to renew their PXA license until the next biennium (April 1, 2026 - March 31, 2028).
  • See the "Useful Links" section on this page to access additional information concerning Certified Podiatric X-Ray Assistant licensure in the State of Florida.