Podiatric Education/Career Info

Welcome to the Florida Podiatric Medical Association (FPMA) website! FPMA is a Tallahassee-based, statewide, professional association representing podiatric physicians in Florida. Founded in 1927 for the purpose of advancing the science and art of Podiatric Medicine, FPMA is dedicated to promoting the importance of podiatric healthcare among the general public and healthcare professionals throughout the state of Florida. FPMA currently has 1,000+ members and represents the majority of active, licensed podiatric physicians in Florida.

Whether you are a current podiatric medical student, a recent graduate of a podiatric college, a podiatric resident, a young podiatric practitioner, or simply have an interest in pursuing a career in the field of Podiatric Medicine, we have lots of information available by clicking on the links (listed in green) below.

Information For Those Considering a Career in Podiatric Medicine

Information For Podiatric Medical Students

Information For Podiatric School Graduates/Residents

  • Access the Podiatric Links page on the FPMA website, which contains links to information for those interested in the practice of Podiatric Medicine.

Information For New Podiatric Practitioners

  • Access the Podiatric Links page on the FPMA website, which contains links to information for those interested in the practice of Podiatric Medicine.

FPMA on Social Media

FPMA Membership

Note to Podiatric Medical Students: Any podiatric student matriculating at the Barry University School of Podiatric Medicine is eligible for FPMA Student Membership. No dues are required.

Once a podiatric student has accepted a podiatric residency position, an application for Resident Membership needs to be submitted to FPMA.


Note to Podiatric Residents: Any Podiatric Physician that is serving as a resident in a program recognized by the Council on Podiatric Medical Education (CPME) may be classified as an FPMA Resident Member. A Podiatric Physician that has completed a residency may remain in such membership status for a maximum period of one year or until entering podiatric employment. Podiatric Residents must apply through FPMA, but currently no dues are required at the state or national levels.


For information about FPMA Membership, email Gin Grand, FPMA Membership Coordinator, at ggrand@fpma.com or call 1-800-277-3338.