MATE Training Requirement

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MATE Training Requirement
for DEA Licensure Renewal or New Applicants

On December 29, 2022, the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 enacted a new one-time eight-hour training requirement for all Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)-registered practitioners on the treatment and management of patients with opioid or other substance use disorders. Beginning on June 27, 2023, practitioners are required to check a box on their online DEA registration form — regardless of whether a registrant is completing their initial registration application or renewing their registration — affirming that they have completed the new MATE (Medication Access and Training Expansion Act) requirement.

The deadline for satisfying this new training requirement is the date of a practitioner’s next scheduled DEA registration submission — regardless of whether it is an initial registration or a renewal registration — on or after June 27, 2023. This one-time training requirement affirmation will not be a part of future registration renewals.


DEA Training Course for Podiatric Physicians Now Available

A 6-hour DEA course approved for Podiatric Physicians licensed in the state of Florida is now available on the CE Broker website. The course, approved by the Florida Board of Podiatric Medicine and provided by the Florida Osteopathic Medical Association (FOMA), is accessible HERE.

Please Note: Podiatric Physicians who attended the "Safe and Effective Prescribing of Controlled Substances" course during the FPMA 2023 Summer Conference or SAM 2024 fulfilled 2 hours of MATE training (8 total hours are required) as well as the 2.0 Controlled Substances requirement for Florida relicensure.

FPMA advises members to avoid attending continuing education courses required for licensure/relicensure/MATE training that are not offered by a statewide professional association of physicians accredited to provide educational activities and are not approved by the Florida Board of Podiatric Medicine. It is best to check CE Broker for course approval by the Florida Board of Podiatric Medicine PRIOR TO registering and taking a course for continuing education.
Approved by Florida Board of Podiatric Medicine

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