Please Note: This website contains general information about certain medical conditions and potential treatment options. The information is intended solely for educational purposes, not medical advice, and should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any medical condition. Please consult a podiatric physician if you have any questions about any matter involving your feet or legs and/or if you need to seek podiatric care for any foot or leg problems you may be experiencing.
Welcome to the Florida Podiatric Medical Association (FPMA) website! FPMA is a Tallahassee-based, statewide, professional association representing podiatric physicians in Florida. Founded in 1927 for the purpose of advancing the science and art of Podiatric Medicine, FPMA is dedicated to promoting the importance of podiatric healthcare among the general public and healthcare professionals throughout the state of Florida. FPMA currently has over 1,000 members and represents 70% of the active, licensed podiatric physicians in Florida.
Whether you are a current podiatric patient, considering visiting a Podiatric Physician, or simply interested in finding out more about foot care, we have lots of information available by clicking on the links (listed in green) below.