FPMA Leadership

Click on the headings in blue below to access contact lists.


FPMA Executive Committee

Dr. Schweibish head shotPresident
David M. Schweibish, DPM
2020 Hwy. A1A, Ste. 101
Indian Harbour Beach, FL 32937
Dr. Strimbu head shotPresident-Elect
Adriana P. Strimbu, DPM
404 N. Federal Highway
Hallandale Beach, FL 33009
Dr. Liana Seldin head shotVice President
Liana G. Seldin, DPM
2828 Coral Way, #309
Coral Gables, FL 33145
Dr. Rogers head shotTreasurer
Diana E. Rogers, DPM
6420 W. Newberry Road, Ste. 210
Gainesville, FL 32605
Dr. Timothy Miller head shotSecretary
Timothy J. Miller, DPM
3701 Avalon Park West Blvd., Ste. 225
Orlando, FL 32828
Dr. Schmidt head shotImmediate Past President
Larissa M. Schmidt, DPM
410 Celebration Place, Ste. 206
Celebration, FL 34747

Component Presidents

Presidents of FPMA's 23 Components

David M. Schweibish, DPM
Chad C. Watkins, DPM
Adam J. Oxios, DPM
Patricia Nicholas, DPM
Central Florida
Timothy J. Miller, DPM
Louis S. Giannone, DPM
Andre M. Williams, DPM
North Central Florida
Diana E. Rogers, DPM
Jenny W. Adams, DPM
Northeast Florida
Jorg A. Bober, DPM
Lucita M. Clersaint, DPM
Northwest Florida
Mark S. Isenberg, DPM
East Central Florida
Macalee Harlis, Jr., DPM
Palm Beach
Stephanie M. Kane, DPM
Emerald Coast
Currently VACANT
Robin M. Katz, DPM
Gulf Central Florida
Bryan A. Spooner, DPM
James E. Koon, DPM
John E. Baker, DPM
St. Johns
Craig S. Schein, DPM
Zenobia A. Bowen, DPM
Andrew B. Green, DPM
Indian River
Amberly C. Paradoa, DPM


FPMA Committees/Chairs

For more detailed descriptions of FPMA's 10 Standing Committees, click HERE.
Bylaws and Resolutions Committee: This committee receives and/or initiates written proposed amendments to the FPMA Bylaws and/or resolutions, and submits them to the FPMA Executive Board.

Chair: John P. Goggin, DPM
Ethics and Grievance Committee: This committee investigates ethics inquiries or complaints against or concerning members of the association.

Chair: Joseph L. Sindone, DPM
Nomination Committee: Members of this committee serve as election judges and conduct balloting.

Chair: Andre M. Williams, DPM
Budget, Ways and Means Committee: This committee prepares each annual budget and submits it for approval to the FPMA Executive Board.

Chair: Adriana P. Strimbu, DPM
Convention Committee: This committee is responsible for the planning and administration of FPMA's annual conference (SAM), along with other meetings and conferences assigned to it by the President or Executive Board.

General Co-Chairs: Dennis R. Frisch, DPM and Robert Frimmel, DPM
Committee on Insurance Affairs: This committee represents the association at all APMA CAC and PIAC conferences and educates association members in all matters of insurance.

Chair: Mark S. Block, DPM, Vice Chair: John P. Goggin, DPM
Committee on Governmental and Legislative Affairs: This committee initiates and coordinates legislative activity for the association, working closely with the association's Lobbyist.

Co-Chairs: Edward A. Fazekas, DPM and Andre M. Williams, DPM
Committee on Professional Services: This committee orchestrates involvement in the Central Labor Council of the Florida AFL-CIO and attends all Guild 45 meetings.

Chair: Terence D. McDonald, DPM
Committee on Public Affairs: This committee oversees and coordinates all FPMA public affairs activities.

Co-Chairs: Adriana P. Strimbu, DPM and Liana G. Seldin, DPM
Membership Committee: This committee oversees and coordinates FPMA membership-related issues.

Chairs/Co-Chairs: Samir S. Vakil, DPM and Andre M. Williams, DPM (Membership Development); Samir S. Vakil, DPM (Membership Services/Corporate Affinity); and Larissa M. Schmidt, DPM (Young Practitioners)
Communications Committee: This committee maintains effective communication with FPMA members.

Chair: Cary M. Zinkin, DPM

Past Presidents

Past Presidents of FPMA

J.C. Brown, DPM (1922)*Frederick I. Pearl, DPM (1981)*
Otto Tonissen, DPM (1923-24)*Bruce N. "Biff" Kramer, DPM (1982)
James M. Adams, DPM (1925)*Lionel Goldstein, DPM (1983)*
Harry Danser, DPM (1926)*Murray B. Goldstein, DPM (1984)*
Fred L. Porter, DPM (1927)*Arnold V. Signer, DPM (1985-86)
Scofield Lewy, DPM (1928)*Briant G. Moyles, DPM (1987)
Raymond Thompson, DPM (1929)*Stephen Petrofsky, DPM (1988)
Herbert Lewy, DPM (1930)*Stephen M. Meritt, DPM (1989)
Thomas J. Henchency, DPM (1930-34)*Arthur C. Haspel, DPM (1990)
Harry Young, DPM (1935)*Joseph L. Sindone, DPM (1991)
Joy E. Adams, DPM (1935-38)*Gerald E. Walker, DPM (1992)
Richard Halton, DPM (1939)*Martin Port, M.S., DPM (1993)
William A. Davis, DPM (1940)*Thomas P. Broner, DPM (1994)
Edward A. Hurd, DPM (1941-44)*Dennis R. Frisch, DPM (1995)
Heywood A. Dowling, DPM (1945-47)*Roberta Giudice-Teller, DPM (1996)
Herbert Feinberg, DPM (1948-49)*Barney A. Greenberg, DPM (1997)
Eugene Weiss, DPM (1950)*Donald J. Popper, DPM (1998)
William E. Ellison, DPM (1951-52)*Joseph H. Strickland, DPM (1999)
Rollie Dryfuse, DPM (1953-54)*Edward A. Fazekas, DPM (2000)*
Fred N. Laubenthal, DPM (1955)*Robert Frimmel, DPM (2001)
Allan S. Horn, DPM (1956-57)*Timothy H. Tillo, DPM (2002-03)
Morris Marcus, DPM (1958-59)*Cary M. Zinkin, DPM (2004)
John J. McCaffrey, DPM (1960-61)*Robert D. Katz, DPM (2005)
Robert A. Giudice, DPM (1962)*Roger G. Beck, DPM (2006)
Irving H. Block, DPM (1963)*Mark S. Block, DPM (2007)
Seymour Leopold, DPM (1964)*Linda L. Alexander, DPM (2008)
David A. Stone, DPM (1965)*Bradley C. Haves, DPM (2009)*
Elba W. Trice, DPM (1966)*Terence D. McDonald, DPM (2010)
John P. Sweet, DPM (1967)*Robert A. Iannacone, DPM (2011)
Rudolph J. Prochaska, DPM (1968)*Samir S. Vakil, DPM (2012)
Earl R. Horowitz, DPM (1969)*John E. Baker, DPM (2013)
Nicholas G. Kayal, DPM (1970)*Maria G. Noll, DPM (2014)
James G. Strickland, DPM (1971)*Stephen F. Levin, DPM (2015)
Seymour Z. Beiser, DPM (1972)Paul D. Brooks, DPM (2016)
Sheldon Willens, DPM (1973)Mark A. Lambert, DPM (2017)*
Harvey M. Kopelman, DPM (1974)*Andrew M. Belis, DPM (2018)
William J. Beaton, DPM (1975)Andre M. Williams (2019)
Owen P. Macken, DPM (1976)Samir S. Vakil, DPM (2020)
James V. Stelnicki, DPM (1977)John P. Goggin, DPM (2021)
Sidney R. Weinberg, DPM (1978)*Cary M. Zinkin, DPM (2022)
Robert H. Eder, DPM (1979)*Alissa B. Zdancewicz, DPM (2023)
Warren L. Simmonds, DPM (1980)*